Emergency Planning
This interactive course on Emergency Planning assists facilities in complying with these regulations and helps them prepare for potential emergency situations.
Existing OSHA, SARA Title III, and numerous state regulations call for all facilities to meet a number of emergency preparedness/crisis management requirements. These include that every facility have an Emergency Plan that spells out what is to be done in case of an emergency; and that this plan, as well as other important information, be shared with the local emergency planning committee and emergency response groups such as the police, fire department and others. Areas covered in the course include types of emergencies, the emergency plan, the crisis management team, evacuation procedures, communications, the role of outside agencies, practice sessions and drills, and more.
Using a powerful combination of audio, full-motion video, text and colourful graphics, this course provides the most cost-effective safety and regulatory compliance training available today. The course is divided into a number of logical sections so information is easily understood... and retained.